Middle Lagoon on the Dampier Peninsular by Toby

This morning Dad, Samuel, Lachlan and I got towed in a boat by a car to the beach on the left side of the rocks. I put my thongs down near the water we watched whales swimming on the horizon. Then we said goodbye to Dad and then we started walking back. Just then I remembered about my new (I only bought then 2 days ago in Derby!!!) thongs! So I quickly ran back to the beach where I left them. I found one upside down where I left it, I held it up to show Mum, Samuel and Lachlan, then a man saw the tong I was holding and found my other thong in the water. When Dad got back we walked around the edge of the beach on the left of the rocks. The waves were huge and I actually mean HUGE!
Next day….

The first thing we did was go out to the lookout and watch the whales swim by as we listened to them sing. Then we packed up and went to the whale song café, I ordered a Mango crush. Our next stop was at Kooljaman, I had a pizza for lunch. Our camp was at Gambanan. At Gambanan was a small beach by a cliff. )On the left was a cliff and on the right were some (2) rocky hills. Behind them Samuel spotted a lion fish.
 middle lagoon

 morning tea at whalesong cafe
 nice view
 lion fish....do not pat

 boat ride to the beach